How dangerous is the common housefly?

Flies of any kind are bad enough in our homes, but for those that operate commercial kitchens and food preparation businesses, they are a real danger to the health and...

How dangerous is the common housefly?

An annoying pest that blights homes and businesses once the weather starts to warm up, the common housefly is also a harbourer of several diseases and illnesses.

Fly on a Leaf
Photo by Annelie Turner / Unsplash

Sticking close to their breeding ground, houseflies are commonly associated with poorly disposed of household waste or rotting vegetation or animal matter, but in truth, these winged insects can travel as far as four miles away from their birthplace to infest even the cleanest of premises.

By transporting microorganisms on their feet and hairy legs, its no wonder that these creatures have earned the title 'porters of disease' as they are able to carry and spread harmful bacteria to any surface they touch. Another equally disgusting way that houseflies can cause illness is via their habit of frequent vomiting where they deposit a potentially dangerous bacterial culture on to food.

Some of the most common illnesses carried by houseflies include salmonella, typhoid, gastroenteritis, dysentery and even tuberculosis, which makes their presence in any home or commercial premises less than welcome.

With the exception of tuberculosis, these illnesses can cause symptoms such as vomiting, stomach cramps, sickness and diarrhoea and can cause serious issues for the elderly, the very young and those with compromised immune systems.

Flies of any kind are bad enough in our homes, but for those that operate commercial kitchens and food preparation businesses, they are a real danger to the health and wellbeing of their customers. Its rarely possible to know if a housefly has come into contact with any food in the area, so the ability to destroy any airborne pests as soon as possible is a must to adhere to strict health and safety legislation on the production and preparation of food.

Houseflies have a tendency to fly towards light, which can actually work in our favour if you need to keep a workspace free from flies. Electric fly killers have long been held as the most effective form of defence when dealing with houseflies as they are instantly attracted to the bright light held within the unit.

Once the fly gets close enough, the unit delivers a powerful enough zap of electricity to kill the pest which is then collected in a tray located beneath the unit. This is ideal for stopping fly debris on the floor that can be carried to different areas of the workspace and makes cleaning the unit simple.

A safe, hygienic and fast way to dispose of pests, these units can be wall mounted, suspended or placed at ground height, making them an excellent way to safeguard against houseflies.