Lighting Expert Urges Homeowners To Take Security Seriously This Winter

The clocks have gone back, the cold snap has arrived and the shops are full of festive goodies. Although the build up to Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year, it is important that homeowners do not take their eye off the ball when it comes to security, according to BLT Direct

Lighting Expert Urges Homeowners To Take Security Seriously This Winter

The clocks have gone back, the cold snap has arrived and the shops are full of festive goodies. Although the build up to Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year, it is important that homeowners do not take their eye off the ball when it comes to security, according to BLT Direct.

The lighting specialist, who is one of the longest-standing retailers of lighting, such as light bulbs, light fittings and decorative lights, has urged homeowners to take security seriously this winter to avoid falling victim to theft and damage.

Unsurprisingly, homes are more vulnerable to theft in winter. With shorter days it is much easier to see when people are in – and more importantly when they are not, and hide under the cover of darkness to avoid being seen by neighbours. This puts homes at increased risk of burglary, and according to figures, there is a large spike in thefts from the home during the winter months.

Steven Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct said, “Now is the time people need to start thinking about alarming their homes ready for winter. Making small, simple changes can really help reduce the risk of burglary, which is particularly important for those who work long hours and are out of the house for long periods.”

Adding a reliable PIR motion sensor security light outside homes can help to stop thieves in their tracks by highlighting movement. And even if the home isn’t occupied at the time, this can help to alert neighbours to any suspicious activity. They come in a range of designs and colours so look decorative, while also providing peace of mind.

String lights have become popular over recent years, with a plethora of designs and colours available to choose from, all intended to enhance décor. Although it is not advised to keep string lights plugged in when no one is home, keeping inexpensive battery-powered lights on provides a gentle glow that makes homes appear habited, and will also provide a welcoming greeting when people arrive home after a long day.

Investing in a timer plug is also advised for homeowners during the winter months. Setting lamps to come on as the nights come in can make homes appear occupied – even if it isn’t – and put those with less than honourable intentions off even coming near.

“If people are worried about the increased energy bills of leaving lights on when no one is home, it’s worth looking at investing in LED light bulbs, as they offer unrivalled lighting while also being pocket-friendly,” added Steven.